Monday, August 10, 2009

college bs

So as school is nearing I've been having some doubts about whether or not I want to commit to it. Several things are contributing to my uncertainty. So many people graduate and then can't find a job or end up settling for something less than they had hoped for. A solid chunk of school work is completely worthless and just wastes time.

I'm in the process of helping build a web site with a few friends with big ideas and somewhat limited know how in the technical aspects. I downloaded a few books about xhtml and php which made me think I can educate myself. I'm not even going to want a regular 9-5 with a boss for 30-40 years so what good is a degree anyway.

Then there's the financial side. Thinking about how classes and homework will add pressure and might cause my poker play to deteriorate is a little scary. UTD has a guaranteed tuition rate which locks in tuition prices for 4 years and any hours over 15 are free. The problems are that it is $650 more for my 12 hour semester, I don't have a choice between that and the other tuition rate listed, and unless some unknown benefactor gives me a free ride I won't ever take more than 15 hours.

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