Monday, December 22, 2008


I've continued drifting in and out of good play for the entire month. Bad play is characterized by not being in complete focus and trying to figure out what they have. What happens is I turn into a little bit of scared money and haven't been going to showdown as much, which has increased my w$sd % but I bleed profusely in non showdown pots. When I am on my better game I feel like I turn into Negreanu despite still having appropriate aggression on each street. I start calling down with any pair in certain situations raising my wtsd and lowering my w$sd but overall increasing my wins and not just giving up pots. I think the reason my overall $ goes up has something to do with people not being able to continue aggression w/o monsters or air and missed draws. When a blank hits the board I get the extra bet out of a bluff and get a free showdown against hands that have marginal to medium value. The good news is that my win rate for the month is still over 2ptbb/100 and overall at stars is right around 2.97ptbb/100.

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